Thursday, April 4, 2013

Getting Prepared for Travelling

So today I'm going to blog about preparing for your travel trip. No matter where are you going either overseas or domestic, it is very important to get prepared for any circumstances.

If you are travelling overseas, always remember to prepare your passport. You must ensure that your passport expiry date is still valid at least for another 4 months.
Check whether you need to prepared for any visa for the country you are travelling. If you do, then go to their embassy and apply for a visa which sometimes will be costly '-.-

Make sure to exchange the correct currency and always bring extra USD or EURO for any emergency in case that you don't have enough money when travelling. Most countries accept USD and EURO for exchange.

Organize your passport, visa, money, air ticket and also a pen in one place. Recommended to have a passport wallet.

Always remember to bring your prescriptions and also general medicine such as for diarrhea, headache, fever, menstrual pain, flu, cough and many more. It is not easy to get this medicine when travelling, so make sure to have them with you.

Search through the internet for the information of the weather, the humidity, the temperature of your chosen travelling place. Packed the appropiate clothes for the weather so you don't need to spend on clothes when reaching there.

It is more secure to bring backpack rather than handbag since you can carry them at your front to avoid pickpockets.

Remember to bring your memory card, travel adapter, charger or extra battery for your electronic devices.

And lastly, make sure to bring your vacation mode along ^.^ ENJOY~~~